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as amended and restated on May 9, 2018


Section 1.  The name of the organization shall be: TPHS Band Boosters. It is referred as the Association within the articles of these by-laws. The Association consists of the Band Director, an Executive Board, chairpersons and general members.



Section 1.  The Association’s mission is to support and promote the program and its activities.  It will not supersede the authority of the District 228 school board, Tinley Park High School administration, or Band Director.

Section 2.  The Association: stimulates community interest in the Band Programs of Tinley Park High School;  encourages camaraderie between Band and the school; and fosters pride in the achievements of both the Band and its student members.

Section 3.  The Association assists the Band Director in carrying out the school policies established in School District 228.


Section 4.  The Association strives to generate additional finances for those facets of the school’s music department programs not included in the Board of Education’s appropriations.


Section 1.  The Executive Board shall consist of the elected officers of the Association and the Band Director.

Section 2.  The duties of the Executive Board are: conduct regular Association meetings with the Band Director with reports of Band business, upcoming events and proposed plans; to transact necessary routine business between regular Association meetings and such other business as may be referred to it by the Association; to assess the work and proposals of chairpersons/committees and submit them for approval of the Association at the next general meeting.  Additionally, the Band Director and the Executive Board will prepare a budget and submit it for the approval of the Association at the September general meeting.

Section 3.  The Assistant Principal of Tinley Park High School is an ex-officio member of the Executive Board. He/she shall receive all official minutes of Association meetings and be kept abreast of Association proceedings.

Section 4.  The Executive Board will meet outside of regularly scheduled Association meeting dates when deemed necessary by the Band Director.  Any additional meetings attended by a majority of Executive Board members constitutes a quorum.

Section 5.  Two unexcused absences is cause for dismissal of an Executive Board member.  Dismissal must be approved by a two-thirds majority vote of the remaining Executive Board. Any vacancy so created will be filled by appointment of the Band Director with approval by a two-thirds majority of the Executive Board.

Section 6.  A successor Executive Board member serves only though the remaining unexpired term of the outgoing Board member.

Section 7.  The Executive Board supervises the affairs of the Association and determines its policies. The Executive Board is guided by recommendations of the appointed committees and votes of the Association members.


Section 1. The elected officers of the Executive Board are President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, Uniforms and Hospitality.

Section 2.  The President presides at all meetings of the Association and is a member ex-officio of all committees. The President’s duties include: overseeing the proper structure of Association meetings; including a meeting agenda. Organizing Band events such as calling bingo and the Jazz Cafe; coordinating the efforts of board members, chairpersons and volunteers in all Band events/actions; appointing any special committees; and fostering cooperation between members and the board.

Section 3.  The Vice-President assists the President in all duties pertaining to the office. The Vice-President will perform the duties of the President, in the absence of, or in the inability of, that officer to act.  The Vice President is in charge of the Fundraising Committee with the objective of raising additional money for the General Fund and Band trips. The Fundraising Chairperson promotes and executes the fundraising projects of the Association throughout the year with the approval of the Executive Board. Examples of fundraising are student-run sales (candy, gift cards, etc.) or an Association-run event such as bingo, Super Bowl pool, and Jazz Cafe raffles.  Responsibilities include: communicating with outside fundraising vendors; disseminating needed paperwork and product to band students; soliciting donations from local businesses; and coordinating volunteers.

Section 4.  The Secretary keeps a correct record of all the Association and Executive Board meetings; maintains the annual collection of meeting minutes; and provides typed minutes of the previous meetings and keeping track of issues that were voted on. The Secretary is also in charge of all correspondence with the media including press releases and advertising.

Section 5.  The Treasurer is the custodian for all Association money.  An Association bank account is maintained to hold this money.  The Treasurer’s duties include: managing this bank account, including checks, ledgers (software), banking statements and the account’s signature card; making deposits to this account and delineating their use for either General Fund or Student Trip Accounts; making disbursements from this account with proper receipts; presenting at Treasurers report at Association meetings, including a year-end report each May.

Section 6.  A vacancy in any office shall be filled by the Band Director’s appointment, and approval of two-thirds of the remaining Executive Board.

Section 7.  Uniforms - has the duty to form and head a committee of volunteers to handle all maintenance, sizing, distribution, cleaning and collection of uniforms.

Section 8.  Hospitality - plans social events for the Band program members with the approval of the Band Director and Executive Board. Events include : Summer Band cookout; amenities provided at Band concerts; food and supplies for the Jazz Cafe. Responsibilities include: soliciting food (baked goods) contributions from Association members; soliciting donations/sponsorships from local businesses; and coordinating volunteers for these events.



Section 1.  At the regularly scheduled March meeting, the Executive Board selects a Nominating Committee consisting of the Band Director, two members of the Executive Board, and two parent members of the Association.  It is be the duty of the Committee to organize candidate nominations for the following school year’s offices. A slate of all candidates is presented at the next regular meeting in April.

Section 2.  Election of a school year’s Executive Board members occurs at the annual Band awards banquet in May.  Association members vote on nominated candidates at this banquet.  Additional nominations from the floor shall be accepted prior to voting.

Section 3.  An Association member (parent/guardian) must have a student in the band program for one year prior to holding an Executive Board position. Members must have a student currently in the band program to hold an Executive Board position.

Section 4.  The officers shall be elected for a term of one year and shall hold office until their successors have been elected. Their term of office begins on June 1, after elections at the Band awards banquet in May.

Section 5.  No Association member may hold more than one elected position at a time.


Section 1.  Regular Association meetings are held in September, October, November, January. February, March, April and May. Start time is designated by the Band Director and will be held at Tinley Park High School unless otherwise ordered by the Band Director or Executive Board.

Section 2.  Special meetings may be called by the Executive Board. Band Director must be notified in advance of these additional Association meetings.

Section 3.  A majority of the voting members present at a properly called meeting shall constitute a quorum. Any voted decision by the Executive Board may be overturned by a two thirds vote of the Association present at the meeting where the vote takes place.




Section 1. There is a $125 annual fee for each band member that comprises the majority of the General Fund.  This fee covers costs incurred by the Band, including Summer Band (t-shirt, water, sheet music, uniform, and outside instruction.) Families with more than one student in the band program will pay $125 for the second student and no fee for three or more students within the same immediate family.

Section 2.  The annual band fee payment should be made during summer band camp.  Any family unable to meet this deadline may contact the Band Director and request a payment plan.  This plan calls for ½ the total amount paid by the end of October, and the balance paid by the end of the following January. 

Section 3.  Any student loaned an instrument from the school is responsible for payment of its required maintenance or repair. Cost may be incurred through normal wear, accident or neglect.  Payment for all instrument maintenance is due at time of service. A copy of the repair invoice will be provided.

Section 4.  The Band Boosters bank account incurs a fee when depositing any check returned due to non-sufficient funds (NSF) or when written on a closed account. Repayment of the returned check amount plus the bank’s returned-check fee will be requested by the Band Director or Band Booster Treasurer. Repayment can only be in the form of cash, money order or cashier’s check.  A Student Trip Account with a positive balance may also be used for repayment. The parents/guardians of a Band student remain responsible for all costs incurred by a returned check, no matter who writes the check on the Band student’s behalf. It is not the responsibility of the Tinley Park Band Boosters to recover payments from non-booster individuals.

Section 5. A student who has a check returned due to NSF or a closed account is required to pay any further band fees by cash, money order or cashier’s check for the remainder of the school year.




Section 1.  In order to run a successful program, we encourage 100% participation in our

fundraising activities. Fundraisers will be held during the school year to build the General Fund or earn money for Student Trip Accounts. The Executive Board determines if a fundraiser benefits the General Fund, Student Trip Accounts, or both.


Section 2.  If a student chooses not to participate in any fundraising activities, they will carry a zero balance in the Student Trip Account.  The student and their family are then responsible for all costs of any band trip in which they participate. 


Section 3.  Each Student Trip Account will remain open for the duration of his/her participation in Tinley Park High School Band.  Any positive balance is carried over into subsequent school years until graduation or the student stops participating in the Band program.

Section 4.  Any positive balance remaining in a Student Trip Account upon graduation or end of band participation shall be transferred to the General Fund.  The only exception is if the departing student has a sibling active in the Band program.  In this case, the remaining balance is transferred to the sibling instead of the General Fund.  Account balances cannot be refunded to departing students or parent/guardian, in accordance with 501(c) 3 IRS regulations.


Section 5.  Any delinquent student fees will be recouped by deduction from the Student Trip Account.  Examples of this would be unpaid Band registration or missed scheduled trip deposit. A notice of such action will be sent to the parent/guardian, along with an updated account balance.  If the trip account is insufficient to cover the fee, the parent/ guardian will be notified and prompt payment requested per Article VIII, Section 4. 


Section 1. These Bylaws may be amended at any regular meeting of the Association by two-thirds vote of the Association members present, provided that the amendment has been submitted in writing at the previous regular meeting.

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