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Tinley Park High School Band Booster
Registration 2023-2024

Please complete this form and return it by AUGUST 4, 2023 witih your payment to the Band Mailbox or mail- ATTN: Mr. Aiello at Tinley Park High School- 6111 175th St., Tinley Park, IL 60477.

Student Information (Please print legibly.)

Name___________________________________________ Phone _______________

Address __________________________ City ___________________ Zip Code_____

Student ID# __________.           Current Grade _____________

Bands ______________________________________________________________

Parent Information

Name __________________________________________ E-mail ___________________

Cell phone _________________________ Work phone ______________________

Name __________________________________________ E-mail ___________________

Cell phone _________________________ Work phone _______________________

Can we contact you by e-mail?

Registration Fee- $125 for band members

Registration fees are used to support the entire band program. This includes the price of the t-shirt.


# of band members _________ @ $125 each= ________________

Check # _____________

Make checks payable to TPHS Band Boosters. No cash, please! Thank you!!!

MARCHING BAND T-SHIRT ORDER FORM (Marching band and flag members only.) ALL MARCHING BAND MEMBERS ARE REQUIRED TO HAVE A MARCHING BAND T-SHIRT. Your order must be turned in by August 4, 2023.

Size (circle one)- Small.  Medium.  Large.  XL.  XXL.  XXXL

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