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Tinley Park High School Instrumental Music Department Handbook

 Vincent J. Aiello, Director of Bands







This handbook gives students and parents a complete understanding of the policies and organizational structure of the Tinley Park High School Instrumental Music Department. Please read this handbook in its entirety, familiarize yourself with its contents and save it for future reference.




The objective of the Tinley Park High School Instrumental Music Department is to strive for musical excellence. Discipline, sacrifice, dedication, and hard work are the only means in which our group can be the best we can be. As a group we are dependent upon one another and must have a commitment of loyalty and obligation in order to achieve our goal of musical excellence. 




MARCHING BAND- consists of all members from Concert, Symphonic, and Jazz Bands. This group starts to rehearse in mid-July. It includes an eight-day camp before the start of school, which is held at Tinley Park High School. During the football season the group meets one evening a week for two hours to refine the halftime show. This group performs at all home football games, parades, and other special performances. THE ONLY PEOPLE WHO ARE EXCUSED FROM MARCHING BAND ARE SOPHOMORE AND VARSITY FOOTBALL PLAYERS AND POMS. Everyone else will be part of the marching band!!!


BEGINNING BAND- consists of all grade levels. No experience necessary. This class is designed for those students who want to learn an instrument or learn a different instrument.


CONCERT BAND- consists mainly of freshmen and sophomores, but may include juniors and seniors. In addition to the winter concert, spring concert and contests, members from this group may also participate in ILMEA, SSC Festival, Solo and Ensemble Festival, and District 228 Fine Arts Festival. 


SYMPHONIC BAND- is the most musically advanced group. Members must display a high degree of musicianship, as mandated by the director. The director will have the final say on placement into this group, based on instrumentation needs. This group performs at the winter and spring concert, as well as festival contests and special concerts. Members are also eligible to participate in ILMEA, SSC Festival, Solo and Ensemble Festival, and District 228 Fine Arts Festival.

JAZZ BAND- members are chosen by the director according to need in instrumentation. The director will have the final say on all placements. Generally, this group is made up of freshmen and sophomores, and occasionally juniors and seniors. This group performs at the winter concert, spring concert, and Jazz Café, as well as at many school, community and festival events.


HONORS JAZZ BAND- members are chosen by the director. The director will have the final say on all placements. This group consists primarily of mainly juniors and seniors, and occasionally freshmen and sophomores, based on playing ability. This group performs at the winter concert, spring concert, and Jazz Café, as well as at many school, community and festival events.


PERCUSSION ENSEMBLE - This group consists of all percussionists in the band. It is designed to enhance percussion techniques and musicianship. Through the audition process students will be placed in either symphonic or concert percussion for the concert season and will join in with their respective full band for performances and contests.




Occasionally there may be extra evening rehearsals throughout the school year. Some rehearsals may include the full ensemble and others may be with individual sections, at the discretion of the director. It is very important that everyone understands that their grade will be affected by the following:

  1. Poor attendance, poor attitude, poor conduct during both regular class periods and any extra rehearsals.

  2. Lack of showing personal improvement instrumentally.

  3. Not having your instrument or music at regular class rehearsals, or other rehearsals.

  4. Your grade will be marked as a 0 for a missed performance or rehearsal.

  5. Makeup work may be handed in if any rehearsals or performances are missed, at the discretion of the director. You will have one week from the date of the missed rehearsal or performance to turn in makeup work. Students are responsible for requesting makeup work from the director.

  6. Work, babysitting and outside of school events are not considered valid absences. Events that have been cleared by the director are excused as long as prior notice is given. Please look for conflicts weeks in advance-not days.

  7. When the band travels, it is representing Tinley Park High School. All rules and policies of Tinley Park High School and School District 228 shall be followed. Anyone found in direct violation of any policies and rules will be subject to disciplinary action at the discretion of the director. Disciplinary action may include immediate return of the student to the custody of his/her parents at the family’s expense and may include immediate dismissal from the band. A permission slip must be signed by each student and at least one parent or legal guardian. This permission slip covers any and all trips throughout the school year. All band related activities that take us away from our building will require a bus. Students must ride the bus to and from sites, unless the director receives a signed written note from his/her parents stating otherwise, in advance. If students do not ride the bus to an event, a travel release form must be used. These forms are available in the athletic office. Also, provisions must be made to return equipment and uniforms to the school for proper storage.





  1. Performance attire will adhere to the guidelines set by the director.


  3. Do not talk during rehearsals.

  4. You are responsible for your music and music folder.  It will be your responsibility to replace anything damaged or missing.

  5. Always wear your uniform in its entirety, unless there is an exception made by the director.

  6. Be punctual; tardiness and absenteeism will affect your grade. “To be on time is to be late, to be early is to be on time.”

  7. Treat others as you would like to be treated.

  8. If you are using a school instrument you will not be charged, but you are responsible for repairing any damages to the instrument.  Please take care of the instrument as if it were your own.

  9. Your instruments are to be in good working condition at all times.

  10. Please use the locker assigned to you in the music room.  Store your instrument and other valuables in your locker, especially if the room will be unattended.  DO NOT LEAVE ANYTHING LYING AROUND AND EXPECT IT TO BE THERE WHEN YOU RETURN. LOCK IT UP!!




Students may challenge up one chair at a time. A music challenge form must be filled out with music to be challenged three days prior to the challenge. When challenging, music must be from the higher part and is open to anything that is in the folder. If a student refuses to challenge the chair will be forfeited to the challenger. Challenges will not be allowed three weeks prior to any concert or contest.




Grading will follow the district guidelines of 40% for each quarter, and 20% for both the mid and final exams. Quarter grades consist of rehearsals, performances, theory quizzes, and playing tests, as well as any other quizzes or test deemed necessary by the director.






Parent meetings are held throughout the year. Everyone is encouraged to attend; exact dates and   times will be included in the yearly calendar. The booster’s purpose is to give financial support to the music department through fundraising. They also help coordinate special functions in conjunction with the director. 




Freshmen- Numbers (Year of Graduation)

Sophomores- Marching Band and Jazz Band Patch

Juniors- Varsity Letter

Seniors- Plaque

Directors Awards- Outstanding Freshman Musician

Louis Armstrong Award- Outstanding Senior Jazz Musician

John Philip Sousa Award- Outstanding Senior Band Member

Semper Fidelis Award- US Marine Musical Excellence Award

Musical Merit Awards

Musicianship Awards

First Chair Awards

District 228 Fine Arts Award

Solo and Ensemble Medals

ILMEA Awards

Special Section and Soloist Awards

SSC Awards




Each performing group has its own attire for concert performances.  The school supplies some uniform items and others are to be supplied by the student.  Failing to follow proper uniform guidelines will negatively affect your grade.  The student will pay for any lost uniform items.



School will supply-  jacket, pants, suspenders, hat, plume, and black shoes. 

Student will supply-solid black socks and a black t-shirt.



School will supply for Jazz Band- red button up shirts, black ties and black shoes

Student will supply-  black dress pants, black belt and black sock


School will supply for Honors Jazz Band- black button up shirts with appropriate colored tie for student’s section and black shoes

Student will supply-  black dress pants, black belt and black sock




School will supply- tuxedo shirt, black bow ties, black cummerbunds, and black shoes.

Student will supply-

Ladies: black dress pants, black belt, and black nylons or black socks.

Gentlemen: black dress pants, black socks, and a black belt.





  1. All fundraising money will go into individual student accounts, unless stated otherwise as a fundraiser for the general fund.

  2. All fundraising money is to be deposited with the student’s name clearly written on the envelope in the music mailbox, which is located in the band room.  ONLY CHECKS, MONEY ORDERS WILL BE ACCEPTED.  NO CASH, please.

  3. The director will not accept any money dealing with music booster fundraising or fee money.

  4. Money for fundraisers must be turned in on the scheduled due date, or it will not be accepted.



Private lessons offer instruction that extends beyond class time. Benefits to the student include individualized attention, work on student’s individual problem areas, expert guidance from a highly skilled instructor on their instrument, and opportunities to experience solo and other material different from band music. Private lessons help students build self-confidence as their skill progresses through personalized instruction. Realizing that cost may cause financial burden, arrangements can be made to schedule lesson every other week instead of the usual weekly lessons. Working with the director and private lesson instructor will ensure student success.


  1. Private lessons are available to all band students during the school day, during band class or a study hall.

  2. Information regarding lessons will be emailed to all students in September.

  3. All payments for lessons will be set-up with your private instructor.





  • All freshman and sophomore band members are exempt from gym for the first semester (schedule permitting).

  • For the second semester they must return to either health or driver education.

  • To qualify for sophomores, you must pass health and band as freshmen.

  • Students must be enrolled in a band class.




  • Student must be enrolled in a band class for both semesters.

  • To qualify for juniors, the student must have attained ten credits and passed all physical education and band classes.

  • To qualify for seniors, the student must have attained fifteen credits and passed all physical education and band classes.

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